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Walla Walla County Health Department to offer H1N1 vaccinations at district schools

Walla Walla County Health Department to offer H1N1 vaccinations at district schools

All students who wish to receive a free H1N1 vaccination at district schools must have a completed Walla Walla County Health Department parent consent form.

These vaccinations are strictly voluntary. There will be activated nasal and inactive injections available based on the individual's needs.

Parent consent forms and vaccine information statements (VIS) will be sent home in English and Spanish before your child's scheduled school clinic date (see schedule below).

Vaccination forms and information on the vaccine are also available on the district website -- Health Services page at: http://www.wwps.org/support/healthservices/default.htm.

The Walla Walla County Health Department will also vaccinate staff for free during the school clinics for those who wish to receive them. Staff will also need completed consent and VIS forms.

All former restrictions for receiving the H1N1 vaccinations have been lifted due to additional availability of the vaccine. For more information, contact Health Services Director Jennifer Douglas at 526.8507.

School Vaccination Schedule
Berney Elementary (includes Homelink students)
January 15

Blue Ridge Elementary (includes Head Start/ECEAP students)
January 13

Edison Elementary
January 22

Green Park Elementary
January 14

Prospect Point Elementary
January 21

Sharpstein Elementary
January 20

Garrison Middle School
January 28

Pioneer Middle School
January 25

Lincoln Alternative High School
TBD (per Lincoln Health Center Schedule)

Walla Walla High School
January 29

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

Vector Solutions - Vector Alert Safe Schools Tip Line: 855.976.8772  |  Online Tip Reporting System