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School Board Recognition Month time to honor school board - By Rich Carter, WWPS Superintendent

School Board Recognition Month time to honor school board - By Rich Carter, WWPS Superintendent
January is School Board Recognition Month and a time to thank our five volunteer school board members: Max Carrera, Dan Hess, Anne Golden, Dr. Jim Lehmann and Cindy Meyer.

We are so fortunate in Walla Walla to have five caring and committed community members serve on our school board and represent our public school system. Walla Walla voters can rest assured they made excellent choices for the school board when they cast their ballots.

Although our school board members have vast personal and professional backgrounds and diverse opinions, they have a common purpose for service. They are all deeply committed to a quality school system and have a genuine love for children.

Max Carrera has a young family and demanding professional position with the Washington Department of Corrections, yet he is generous with his time for the good of all Walla Walla children.

Dan Hess has a successful law practice, but he has signed up for a second go around on the school board because he wants all Walla Walla youth to have every opportunity to be successful.

Anne Golden has dedicated much of her adult life to public service and volunteerism and as a leader of the National School Board Association to bring awareness to educational issues on a broader scale.

Dr. Jim Lehmann is an online professor with adult children, but believes so strongly in public education and technology he makes himself available to serve.

Cindy Meyer has been volunteering in schools since her daughters were in kindergarten and, though her youngest is in high school now, she still generously gives of her time because she cares about her community.

Our school board members set high standards for themselves and demand the same of their public schools. Thanks to their support of teaching and learning, Walla Walla School District 140 remains one of the states premiere school districts.

Take time this month to thank our school board members for a job well done.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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