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Additional air quality tests at Blue Ridge Elementary reveal radon levels reduced

Additional air quality tests at Blue Ridge Elementary reveal radon levels reduced

Representatives from Fulcrum Environmental Consulting reported Wednesday, Jan. 27 results from a second round of radon monitoring at Blue Ridge Elementary reveal levels near or below Environmental Protection Agency benchmarks of 4 pCi/L .

Fulcrum Environmental Consulting used two continuous radon monitor devices from January 20 to 27 to do additional testing after initial radon test results showed concentrations above the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) benchmarks. Initial results showed levels exceeding EPA benchmarks occurred primarily in the evening and weekends when the school's Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system (HVAC) was not operational.

Wednesday, January 27 radon results: One radon monitoring device was placed in the school's upper level and it revealed an average of 1.1 pCi/L . The second device was placed in the lower level and it showed an average of 4.1 pCi/L .

" The data clearly shows on a long-term average we are sitting at a 4 in the lower level, which is an improvement from the data collected in December 2009 and early January 2010," said Ryan Mathews of Fulcrum Environmental Consulting.

Matthews says he attributes the improvement to adjustments being made to the school's Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system and the school district's decision to operate the HVAC system 20 hours a day, seven days a week to maintain constant air flow.

" It really confirmed the district's actions are the appropriate steps and shows the district's continued resolve in correcting this issue," Mathews said.

A timeline is being established for a long-term solution to mitigate the radon concentrations. Blue Ridge Elementary will be closed March 5-7 (Parent Conference Week - no school scheduled March 5 due to Parent/Teacher Conferences) to allow Advanced Radon Technologies of Spokane to come on site and begin working on the long-range solution which includes sealing vents in the school's HVAC system and installing a radon venting system.

"The goal is to have the radon mitigation system in place and actively working by the end of spring break in April when students return." Mathews said.

Following installation of the system, further testing will be completed to confirm the radon mitigation system can effectively control radon concentrations and return the school's HVAC system to a 12 hour cycle. Monitors will remain in Blue Ridge to do ongoing monitoring. Radon tests at other district facilities are underway.

"Radon concentrations are not the same from day-to-day; they are variable," Mathews said. "There will be Fulcrum representatives in the district approximately every week to continue ongoing monitoring."

Radon is a radioactive gas. It comes from the natural decay of uranium that is found in nearly all soils. Lung cancer is the only health effect which has been definitively linked with long-term radon exposure according to the EPA.

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