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Garrison and Pioneer students premiere student produced documentaries

Garrison and Pioneer students premiere student produced documentaries
Garrison and Pioneer Middle School 6th, 7th and 8th grade students recently submitted documentaries in the annual C-Span documentary contest for students.

This year's contest theme: A Challenge America Faces or A Strength America Has. Garrison students had 13 teams and Pioneer had 17 teams participate in the contest.

"All students pledged to work a considerable amount of time out-of-class gathering statistics and compiling research, writing narrative script to accompany the video, selecting music to demonstrate how they felt about the topic, strengthening camera skills, acquiring b-footage and filming video, interviewing both professional and peers and learning appropriate editing software to put it all together," said Pioneer Middle School Explorer teacher Dan Calzaretta.

A film festival will be held February 12 at the Walla Walla High School Auditorium where documentaries from both schools will be premiered.

The public is invited and encouraged to attend. A special thank you to Brent Cummings, Garrison's Millenials Director, who provided unbounded amounts of technical expertise and support.

Please click below to see a documentary on:
Drug abuse: http://studentcam.viddler.com/videos/watch.php?id=ecb35f87
Gangs in America: http://studentcam.viddler.com/videos/watch.php?id=5e0a82ed
Wasted Food: http://studentcam.viddler.com/videos/watch.php?id=6959eef1
Cyber Bullying (youtube link) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e8m5u2Vwc4
Child Abuse: http://studentcam.viddler.com/videos/watch.php?id=3548b434
All the videos produced by the Pioneer students can be seen on the Pioneer Explorer webpage at:

C-Span Contest Film Festival Schedule
Date: Friday, February 12
Location: Wa- Hi Auditorium
Time: Since we have so many films we will show them in groups
6th grade (Pioneer only): 4:30-5:15 p.m.
8th grade (Mrs. Clearman's 8th grade Social Studies class): 5:15-6 p.m.
7/8 grade Explorers (Pioneer and Garrison): 6:00-8 p.m.

Learn more about the middle school Explorer program online: Pioneer Explorer Website at http://sites.google.com/site/pioneerexplorers/ - Garrison Explorer Website at http://resources.wwps.org/garrison/bclearman/

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