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Blue Ridge takes steps to improve student academic achievement

Blue Ridge takes steps to improve student academic achievement
Tuesday night Blue Ridge Elementary Principal Kim Doepker reported to school board members on efforts underway this year at Blue Ridge to improve the school's achievement rates.

She said Blue Ridge is making the changes necessary to improve.

Doepker said last year 4th grade students scored 29% on their MAP scores and are at 64% this year. Math scores are up this year nearly 40% from 27% last year to 66% this year.

Doepker said Blue Ridge has a great staff, wonderful students and a bright future.

Goals for 2009-2010
- Raise test scores by 10%
- Implement GLAD strategies 
- Teach bell to bell

Current Blue Ridge Initiatives 
- SWAT Team (Daily Reading Block)
- Math Coach (Jeremy Hubbard)
- Data Carousel (drives decisions)
- Student Leadership (school pride)
- Re-focus Discipline Plan 
- 3R's After School Program

2011-2012 Plans
- Dual Language Program - K-1
- "Platooning" Instruction
- Waterford Early Reading Program
- Additional Math Coaching

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