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District reorganizes administrative team

District reorganizes administrative positions to reduce costs in light of state budget cuts

Walla Walla Public Schools Superintendent Rich Carter announced during the March 2 school board meeting the district is reorganizing its administrative team to cut costs in the wake of state funding cuts to public education.

Garrison Middle School Assistant Principal Josh Wolcott has been appointed to replace Edison Elementary Principal Nancy Withycombe next year as a result of her retirement plans at the end of the 2009-2010 school year.

The Garrison Middle School Assistant Principal position will be filled internally at a later date to reduce an additional district administrative position.

The district's Technology Director's duties will be reorganized with existing central office administrative staff taking on additional responsibilities.

The reorganization will result in the elimination of one district office administrative position. District Technology Director Janis Barton will be reassigned next year to an open position in the district.

Facilities Support Director Dan Johnson will assume the duties of current Plant Facilities Director Lowell Schneider next school year.

Schneider announced earlier this school year his plans to retire at the end of the 2009-2010 school year. Johnson will assume Schneider's responsibilities as well as his current duties as these two support divisions are reorganized into one department.

In all, the administrative reorganization plan will eliminate three administrative positions netting a 7.5 percent administrative cut.

"These are tough economic times for our nation and our public schools are feeling the pinch," Superintendent Rich Carter said. "We are taking the necessary steps to balance our budget with less revenue by keeping the reductions as far from the classroom as possible. Our administrative team consists of highly skilled professionals who are committed to doing the work with less people."

Carter said this is just the first step of the district's 2010-2011 budget savings plan. He said the district is planning for more reductions pending the outcome of the state legislative session.

Last year the district reduced $3.5 million from its basic education budget and is anticipating cutting another $1.5 million for 2010-2011.

"The house, senate and governor's budgets all call for reductions to public education," Carter said. "We must be fiscally responsible and adjust our general fund budget to be in alignment with state revenue funds. Our goal again this year will be to maintain current class size numbers, sustain students programs and protect the jobs of our permanent employees."

Wolcott is in his third year as assistant principal at Garrison Middle School . He has previous experience as an elementary and middle school teacher in the Post Falls , ID School District. Wolcott also heads the district's Interagency Truancy Committee. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in education from the University of Idaho .

Superintendent Carter said the district will continue to make technology a priority in the district. Technology planning and development will continue to move forward under the district's reorganization plan.

"Staff and classroom support remains a top priority as we strive to find more ways to integrate technology into classroom instruction in support of learning," Carter said. "Our technology standards will remain high and the access to this technology will be vast."

Changes as a result of the district's administrative reorganization plan will not take effect until the end of the 2009-2010 school year.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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