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District names Art Regier Volunteers of the Year

District names Art Regier Volunteers of the Year

In celebration of Volunteer Appreciation Month, Superintendent Rich Carter is proud to announce Peggy Cox, Jim and Judi Armstrong, Holly Howard and Dr. Alison Kirby as the district's 2009-2010 Art Regier Volunteers of the Year.

The Award: The Art Regier Outstanding Volunteer Award was instituted in 1991 as a memorial to "Grandpa Art" Regier. Regier, a retiree who devoted years of service to elementary schools in Walla Walla , epitomized the spirit of volunteerism in education. His tireless dedication and concern for the students he served are the inspiration for this award.

Criteria for Selection: Criteria for selection may include the following:

1. Exceptional service or contributions to the children of Walla Walla Public Schools

2. Unusual dedication

3. Demonstration of care, compassion and empathy


This Year's Recipients:

Peggy Cox - Green Park and Pioneer Middle School

Nominators - Jean Tobin, Dana Jones, Elissa Stites, Mike Lambert, Michelle Carpenter, and Missy Johnson

- As the president of the Green Park PTA, you provided leadership and organized projects to benefit the entire school.

- Your involvement on the Green Park Math Team and 5th grade Novel Groups helped students grow academically in these content areas and provided them a trusted adult they learned to count on for support.

- Your wiliness to help develop a math team at Pioneer extended your skills and support to middle school students. You regularly meet with Pioneer students, prepare the materials needed for the program, send the tests off for correction and help get students signed up for the national competition.

- This effort also makes you a tremendous role model to our staff and students.

Nominator Jean Tobin said: "I know that Peggy's help is invaluable to many teachers in this district. She volunteers in many ways, and the math team is only a small part of what she contributes. I believe that she is a role model for teachers and students alike."

Jim & Judi Armstrong - Blue Ridge Elementary

Nominators: Paula Nichols, Tina Holbrook and Lucy Gregoire

- As retired professionals who have dedicated many hours the past several years to work with at-risk children in our community, your efforts demonstrate your genuine care and concern for the well being of Blue Ridge children.

- Your commitment to read with second grade students one morning every week, bring treats to students on special occasions and holidays and adopt a family in need at Christmas, make you excellent representatives of the Art Regier Volunteer of the Year award.

- The staff, students and parents at Blue Ridge Elementary have a deep appreciation for your hard work and passion for helping students learn and become good citizens.

Nominator Tina Holbrook said: "Jim and Judi Armstrong have a genuine care and concern for the well being of Blue Ridge . They share our story and their own experiences among various community organizations. They have a deep respect for the hard work and caring nature of our Blue Ridge staff."

Holly Howard - Lincoln Health Center , Citizens for Schools

Nominators: Cindy Meyer and Missy Peterson

- Your vision, hard work and networking skills helped make the Lincoln Health Center become a reality for our community. The Lincoln Health Center provides vital health services to Lincoln students in support of their education and well being.

- You have earned the trust of the staff and students and been an inspiration to the entire community. You have been active in many other volunteer roles over the years including extensive work for the Citizens for Schools committee.

- You quickly rose through the ranks of the Explorer Parents Organization when your children were involved and have been active in the Swim Team Organization and AFS.

- Your determination, care and compassion for students make you an excellent representative of this award.

Nominator Missy Peterson said:

"Since at least 1998 Holly has unselfishly been sharing her time and talents to improve and enrich the lives of students."

Dr. Alison Kirby - Lincoln Health Center

Nominators: Jim Sporleder and Dan Calzaretta

- It was your idea to propose bringing a school-based health center to our community.

- You helped write the grants and make the connections necessary to make the Lincoln Health Center a reality.

- The Lincoln Health Center provides vital health services to Lincoln students in support of their education and well being.

- Despite having your own medical practice, you dedicate two days a week to volunteer at the Lincoln Health Center . You have earned the trust of the staff and students and been an inspiration to the entire community.

- You are truly a person who believes in the well-being of our students and their families.

Nominator Jim Sporleder said:

"Her determination of care, compassion, and empathy for students has been demonstrated by taking the vision of the health center and making it a reality. Lincoln is the only high school in Eastern Washington that has a health center. Dr. Kirby is truly an inspiration for all of us who have the wonderful opportunity to work with her."


For more information, contact Communications Director Mark Higgins: 509.526.6716 - mhiggins@wwps.org.

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