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Prospect Point PTA helps boost technology offerings

Prospect Point PTA helps boost technology offerings
Prospect Point Elementary's PTA recently granted the school $14,600 to support the school building technology plan.

The goal of the technology plan is to increase student and staff use of current technology, and seek out technology that actively engages students, according to Principal Chris Gardea. The funds will be used to purchase eInstruction student response systems and a Mobi Teacher for 8 classrooms.

"This generous donation will greatly increase our ability to prepare students for life in a digital world," Gardea said.

PTA president, Jeff Schulke, sees this as the first step in getting all classrooms ready for the 21st century.

"I am continually amazed by how supportive the parents are at Prospect Point," Schulke said. "From volunteering in the classroom, organizing events for kids, and fundraising, our parents see opportunities to enhance and support what happens in the classroom, and partner with the school to make sure it happens."

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