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District budget maintains healthy reserve

District budget maintains healthy reserve

Staff praised for commitment to trimming costs

As some school districts in the state teeter on the verge of insolvency by witnessing their cash reserves fade away, Walla Walla Public Schools is on solid financial footing this school year following last night's adoption of the 2010-2011 Annual Budget.

This year's $62,116,176 general fund maintains approximately an 8% unrestricted reserve. Chief Financial Officer Pat Johnston says a larger cash reserve is needed in these uncertain economic times.

"It has been a cooperative effort from everyone to be in this positive financial position," Johnston said. "There are many district's in the state struggling to make payroll and pay all of the bills. Thanks to our district's team approach to developing the budget we have put ourselves in a position to survive during this recession."

District administrators, with the input and assistance of staff, developed a nearly $1 million Budget Savings Plan for 2010-11. Despite the funding reductions, class size levels will remain the same this year, there will be limited impact on student programs, and there were no layoffs for permanent staff. Three administrative positions were cut representing a 7.5% reduction to administration. School supplies budgets were reduced by 5%, staff professional development funds were reduced $60,000 and custodian overtime was trimmed.

School board members have studied the budget for the last few months during special budget work sessions and meetings prior to adopting the budget last night. Details of the budget will be posted on the district website soon.

2010-2011 Budget Basics

- General Fund: $62,116,176
- Budget Enrollment Projections: 5,900 FTE (up 100 students from last year)
- District Fiscal Year: September 1 to August 31

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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