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State test results a mixed bag for Spring 2010

State test results a mixed bag for Spring 2010
Walla Walla High School test results above state average in three out of four areas

WALLA WALLA, Tuesday, August 31 -- State testing scores from spring 2010 were mixed when compared to spring 2009, State Superintendent Randy Dorn said today at a news conference to announce results from the first year of the grades 3-8 Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) and the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE).

Dorn said he expected mixed results with the introduction of new state tests and online testing. However, he said the results also reflect two straight years of cuts to the K-12 education budget as many crucial services, such as after-school and summer-school programs intended to assist the most challenging students, have been cut or eliminated.

For Walla Walla Public Schools, the spring 2010 results mirrored the state's trend of some improvements and some declines. Reading remains the district's strongest subject, with 10th grade results consistently exceeding the state average. The district is above the state average in writing and science in middle school and high school and finished below the state average in math at all grade levels. For a complete listing of all state test results, visit: http://www.k12.wa.us/

Walla Walla Public Schools remains in Step Two of District Improvement in relation to Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements, which is based on achievement marks in reading and math for students in grades 3-10. Walla Walla Public Schools has developed a districtwide improvement plan per AYP mandates.

"I would like to thank the students and staff in our district for their efforts in completing and administering these assessments last spring," Walla Walla Public Schools Superintendent Mick Miller said. "Our results are mixed. There are areas where our students performed very well and there are other areas where we have work to do."

Miller says the state's testing program is just one of several measurements educators and the district uses to evaluate student achievement gains.

"In our district we have a number of assessments that chronicle student growth," Miller said "Unlike the MSP/HSPE, these assessments are less formal and we receive results much more quickly and those results are used to tailor instruction to meet student needs."

Miller said improved instructional strategies, aligned curriculum, professional collaboration and an experienced staff put Walla Walla Public Schools in a favorable position for making the necessary academic gains.

"As a system, we are committed to improving student learning," Miller said. "One important measure is MSP/HSPE testing and we are committed to raising our scores. Yet there are other measures as well and we will look forward to sharing those results in the future."

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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