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2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Calendar Survey

Calendar Committee
2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Calendars


From: Mick Miller, Superintendent
To: Walla Walla Public Schools Stakeholders

1. The district has reconvened its Calendar Committee to evaluate priorities and develop calendar options for the next two school years. It is our goal to have a recommendation to the Board of Directors by the November 19 board meeting.

2. The Calendar Committee met Oct. 16 for its initial meeting. This is a broad-based committee representing valley schools, families, higher education and business. Most of these committee members also served in 2011.

3. Committee members added new considerations (see attached PDF) based on evolving educational needs. Some of the new considerations centered on impacted student activities, testing cycles, Skills Center schedule and parent conferences.

4. Committee members were in consensus on most of the priorities developed in 2011, with the exception of a few adjustments (see attached PDF). One adjustment is starting school before Labor Day approximately every seven years when Labor Day is the second week of September. On these years, committee members suggest starting school before Labor Day, and have a half day of school on the Friday of fair week. Committee members also want the district to align spring break with Tri-Cities schools for activities coordination and move the Spring Professional Day to May.

5. Committee members want feedback from stakeholders on the start date. They seek input as to whether the post Labor Day start is a positive or negative for the school year calendar. Please take a moment to provide this feedback on this issue by taking the brief survey. (see Survey link below)

6. We need the survey to be completed by Friday, Oct. 25. We will mock up draft calendar options and send them out to stakeholders prior to our Nov. 13 Calendar Committee meeting for additional input. Committee members will evaluate this feedback before sending a recommendation to the school board for approval. Thank you for your support of the Calendar Adoption Process.

Survey Question:
Do you prefer to start school after Labor Day or do you prefer to start school before Labor Day?
After Labor Day____ Before Labor Day____

Take the Calendar Survey, click here >>

2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Calendar Priorities

Committee Chair:

• Superintendent Mick Miller – 526-6714 / mmiller@wwps.org 
• Meeting Schedule: Oct. 16, 2013 and Nov. 13, 2013 
• Calendar Adoption Goal: November 19, 2013


Committee Considerations - 2011 
• State assessment testing dates and requirements 
• High School Proficiency Exams the third week in March 
• Measurement of Student Progress is in May 
• End of Course exams are in May/June 
• Graduation dates (must be five days or sooner from the last day of school) 
• Child care often operates on the school year calendar 
• Build in snow days 

Committee Consideration – 2013 
• Parent Conferences 
• Professional Development days after school starts (consider Fall date) 
• Extra-curricular activities schedules 
• Advanced Placement test schedule 
• Review Mid-Columbia Conference and other regional schools calendars 
• SEA-TECH Skills Center (attempt to align with partner school districts)


• Start the school year after Labor Day 
New in 2013: Approximately every seven years Labor Day is the second week of September. On these 
years, consider starting school before Labor Day and have a half day on the Friday of fair week. 
• Shorten Thanksgiving break to two days off and an early dismissal on Wednesday 
• Two weeks off for Winter Break 
• No mid-Winter break in February 
• Spring break 
New in 2013: Align WWPS schedule with Mid-Columbia Conference school 
• Spring Professional Day which also serves as a Snow Day 
New in 2013: Move this day from March to the Friday before Mother’s Day weekend in May

Take the Calendar Survey, click here >>

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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